A Convocation of Lovers

U.S.G.L. Lover Triad Convocation

Very Excellent and Perfect Princes and Princesses,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

It is with great joy that United States Grand Lodge calls upon you to participate in the Third U.S.G.L. Lover Triad Convocation.

Please join us in Beauty and Harmony for the advancement of our Chapters.

This year's event is to be held at Black Sun Lodge in the valley of Cleveland, Ohio on August 14-16, 2020 e.v.

The Lovers Convocation is open to initiates of V° and higher. As one of the responsibilities of all members of the Rose Croix is to maintain harmony, this convocation will focus on providing tools to assist in the mediation of disputes among members and dealing with harassment (both real time and via the internet). At least one Chapter officer from each Chapter needs to attend if the Chapter plans on acting as a Chapter of Mediation going forward. If none of your officers are able to attend, please write the Parliamentarian at parliamentarian@oto-usa.org.